Sesar Framework Partnership Agreement

See DG MOVE`s website: Indeed, within the framework of the SCP, the participation of ANSP by FAB was foreseen from the outset as an option to consolidate the consultation process within the ANSP Community and to use and set up existing coordination mechanisms and processes within certain FABs. However, the final decision rested with the COUNTERPARTIES themselves. Given the appointments received, it would appear that fab`s representation of the ANSP was largely privileged. The rules on access to documents (Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001) shall apply to INEA. This means that, for documents from beneficiaries (financial statements, HAR, etc.), the Agency follows the rules set out in Article 4 and consults the beneficiary before publication. A Member State may request the Agency not to transmit a document from that Member State without its prior consent. (Source: INEA) The public-private partnership was officially launched on 9 July 2014. On 10 July 2014, the European Commission launched a „Call for proposals for the establishment of the SESAR Partnership for the Operational Framework“. In accordance with the principle of the prohibition of retroactivity, no aid may be granted for measures already completed. The period of eligibility of costs shall start in accordance with the specific grant agreement. If a partner can demonstrate that the action must begin before the agreement is signed, expenses may be authorized prior to the award of the grant. In such cases, the eligible costs must not have been incurred before the date of submission of the grant application.

SDM must operate within the framework of the PCP. In particular, the MDS PDPs and LESPs are the project views for the PCP in the adopted and published version. DP cannot be an attempt to revise the PCP by a modified project view. In a case where certain features of the PCP no longer seem appropriate, SDM would draw the attention of the EC and propose to the Commission to start the process of revising the PCP. Only at the express request of the Commission would SDM take action and then draw up a proposal for the revision of the PCP and the reorientation of the DP. Since the signing of the original agreement, five other changes have been made in order to update the list of HBP partners and provide updated information on the project. . .
